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Аватар Stanley

Информация о лечении рака

Категория:  Здоровье  | Автор:  Stanley | Опубликовано: 13.11.2017

Modern medicine, compared with the recent past, significant left forward in the treatment of many cancers, and now that the diagnosis of "cancer", which is still half a century ago, sounded like a death sentence, in most cases at an early stage diagnostics successfully cured. Methods of early diagnosis, which allow to define the pathology at the earliest stages - this is what brought the modern world of new technologies, such as magnetic resonance or computed tomography. But even with the early detection of cancer has been successfully used cheap classical methods of treating cancer , the so-called triad of cancer treatment: chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. Of course, the latest technology and are not left behind and helped to improve the already tried and tested treatment regimens.

First, we note that the radiation used to treat cancer for more than 100 years and today more than half of all cancer treatment methods using radiation therapy. In turn, the quality of care for patients during radiation therapy depends on close interaction professionals to carry out an accurate diagnosis and assessment of disease and the development of the strategic approach to treatment, the particular development plan of treatment and administration of precise treatment and other procedures. Whatever approach the end result is that the patient receives timely treatment, which provides fewer side effects and positive results.

So, cheap classical cancer therapies supplemented by the use of these medical techniques: proton therapy, stem cell therapy and the use of cyber-knife . Nizhu be listed main advantages and disadvantages of existing techniques.

Proton therapy is used to treat benign and malignant tumors and, in contrast to the classical radiotherapy, practically does not damage the cells in healthy tissues. This is achieved due to the large mass of the proton, which minimally scattered in the surrounding tissue, after the irradiation process of pathological tissues. Method proton therapy allows extremely accurately focus the radiation on the tumors, both located anywhere on the body, and at any depth from the surface location and, in the case of treatment of early stages of cancer, eliminating the need for surgery.

Stem cell therapy refers to the newest direction of modern medicine and in the treatment of cancer is used quite successfully in complex combination with other therapies. It is worth noting that to date, transplantation of stem cells from the bone marrow structures after chemotherapy or radiation therapy is the most reliable way to deal with different types of blood cancer and lymphatic system. At the same time in the treatment of malignant pathologies of other systems of stem cell therapy is used for reducing the stimulation of the body after chemotherapy or radiation. In this application, before such rates stem cells extracted from the bone marrow, and at the end of the procedure returns to the place to stimulate the immune system and blood circulation.

System Cyber Knife is based on the generation of high-energy X-rays and belongs to one of the most modern categories of radiotherapy, called stereotactic surgery. This system is used to remove the tumor size of up to six centimeters. Advantages of techniques of cyber-knife in the treatment of oncological pathologies are numerous - does not require any surgery and anesthesia, due to which the recovery period is minimal due to the exclusion of blood loss, pain, and additional time for the healing incisions. In addition, use this method of treatment is possible even in cases where the conduct of the classical surgery is not possible, for example, if the cancer is located in a manner that does not allow for this kind of intervention. Method cyber knife successfully used for getting rid of these types of cancer: cancer of the spinal cord or brain, eye disease, cancer parenchymatous internal organs (lung, uterus, prostate, kidney, pancreas, colon, liver, etc.) cured metastases.

Currently listed types of cancer therapy can offer many specialized medical centers in major cities around the world. Everyone knows the country, the leaders in the field of medical technology, such as the US, Germany, Israel, has long been on everyone's lips. But do not forget that in addition to the above, many European countries have to offer the same level of service but with more affordable pricing. Consider, for example Greece. The capital of Greece - Athens, can offer a decent European standard methods of cancer treatment, and modern diagnostic equipment.

Athens has established itself as the main place for the treatment of cancer in Greece. In the capital, it is located a number of specialized cancer centers, many of whom have many decades of practical experience in the treatment of pathologies of different origin. Many of the Athens center offers innovative radiation therapy for various types of cancer. Their professional staff will use the latest technological advances to provide the most effective help in the treatment of disease. Leading Athenian experts in cancer treatment will provide you with timely and complete personalized assistance, which will be combined with the maximum comfort, encouragement and compassion.

Of course, despite the high level of development of modern medical technology, it is not necessary for the treatment of cancer in choosing medical institution lightly and think in the spirit of what technology solves everything. Do not forget that the appliances run by people and the success of the treatment of any disease depends primarily on the level of professionalism of medical staff. Therefore, considering the options of places to treat cancer in Athens or in any other city or country, do not forget to take into account the level of training and experience of practical activities of medical personnel of various medical centers.

 We believe in a new world of health, connected to the Internet, in which patients will be able to easily access the information they need to find the right treatment. To do this, patients need reliable information and the ability to find and compare the options they need treatment in different hospitals and different specialists. In addition, such treatment should be affordable without compromising quality and waiting time - shorter.
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